How To Delete Your Profile Picture on TikTok

TikTok is currently one of the most popular apps, and it seems like daily new trends are being introduced. When someone visits your profile on TikTok, the first thing they will see is the picture you have uploaded to your profile. But what if you’ve changed your mind about showing your face to other people and you want to remove it from the photo? How exactly do you get rid of that picture on your TikTok profile?

How To Delete Your Profile Picture on TikTok

How To Change Your TikTok Profile Display? (Picture)

TikTok is one of the most widely used platforms, and its users can be found in every region of the world. If you are someone who does not like having their face displayed on their TikTok account or wants to get rid of their profile picture, the steps that are outlined in this article are how you can accomplish that goal.

  1. Open the TikTok app and head to your profile page.
  2. Click on ‘Edit profile,’ located under your user name.
  3. Click on the first option, which shows ‘Change photo.’
  4. You can choose to ‘Take photo’ or ‘Select from Gallery.’
  5. Choose a default profile picture or blank picture from your gallery, or take a blank image.
  6. Confirm your choice.

Because TikTok does not give you the option to leave your profile display blank like Instagram and Facebook do, you are required to either use the app’s default picture or upload a picture that is blank.

How To Delete Your TikTok Profile Display? (Video)

When compared to the process of removing a display picture, the process of removing a profile display video is significantly simpler. This is due to the fact that it is associated with the profile picture, and if you delete it, the picture will immediately take its place in the profile.

Here are the steps that need to be followed in order for you to delete a display video that you posted on TikTok.

  1. Open the TikTok app and head to your profile page.
  2. Click on the ‘Edit profile’ under your user name.
  3. Click on ‘Change video.’
  4. Select ‘Remove video.’

Why Can’t You Change Your TikTok Display Picture?

There are multiple reasons why your TikTok account may not permit you to change your profile picture.

One possible explanation is that the app is detecting activity that causes them to restrict account access.

If the TikTok server is down, the app may not function properly.

Another possibility is that you have violated the app’s community guidelines or a user has reported your account, preventing you from making such changes.

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