How To Hide Score on Reddit?

With more than 430 million users who are active on the platform each month, Reddit is one of the largest social media platforms.

It is different and unique from other social media platforms in that it provides a vast network of communities where users can freely express their opinions on a variety of topics. This is one of the reasons why it is so popular among its users. Reddit users are always on the lookout for content of the highest possible quality. In most cases, the quality of the content can be deduced from the ratings given to a particular post or comment.

This scoring system is not always effective because it results in snowballing, which causes some high-quality content to receive less attention than it ought to receive. Even many spammers use this tool to trick users into giving them their information. Reddit has devised an excellent solution to this problem, which can be found here. Those scores can be hidden by the moderators.

How To Hide Score on Reddit

Upvotes and Downvotes on Reddit

If you are familiar with Reddit, then you are aware that the voting system is the foundation upon which this web-traffic powerhouse is built (pretty democratic).

Through the use of upvotes and downvotes, users of the platform have the ability to express their approval or disapproval of any post or comment.

Any post that receives a greater number of upvotes or positive votes will move to the top of the front page. Likewise, a comment that has received a greater number of upvotes stands out among the other comments and ranks higher in the thread.

In theory, this system appears to be more democratic and may even be ideal. By giving it a boost, the system encourages the creation of high-quality, insightful content. It only makes sense that more users would work hard to produce high-quality content in the hope that it will be featured on the front page of Reddit.

The fundamental flaw in this system is that it does not provide an accurate depiction of the quality of any given piece of content. The decision of many users to upvote or downvote is just the beginning of a snowball effect.

When users see that a particular comment or post is getting upvotes, they feel compelled to join in and give that submission an additional vote. In a similar vein, when more people vote against something, it has the effect of swaying the decisions of others.

Any single vote, whether it be positive or negative, has the potential to have a significant snowball effect on the overall voting on a platform such as Reddit, where the focus is entirely on voting.

Therefore, a single vote in favour can persuade people who haven’t voted yet to cast their ballots, and voters who have already cast a vote against something might even reconsider their position as a result of the influence.

Reddit came up with the ideal solution in order to neutralise the influence that herding and snowballing can have (even if only for a few minutes) on any comment.

Despite the fact that the solution is only temporary and only helps for a few minutes at a time, it is still very effective.

Let’s find out how to keep our scores private on Reddit.

How Does Hiding Scores on Reddit Work?

If you are any Subreddit moderator, you can hide the comment scores for a few minutes.

To do this, you have to work on your desktop. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Reddit on your favorite web browser.
  2. Click the “Home” option at the top.
  3. Select the community you moderate from the drop-down.
  4. Click on the “MOD TOOLS” option on the right panel.
  5. Scroll down the left menu for the “Community settings” option under the “OTHER” tab.
  6. Click “Posts and Comments” from the left panel.
  7. Scroll down to the “Minutes to hide comment score” tab, and allot the time you want the comments to appear without scores.
  8. Hit the “Save Changes” button on the top to finish.

Important Pointers

Down are the essential takeaways for hiding scores on Reddit:

  • You can hide comment scores for up to 1440 minutes (24 hours).
  • Moderators can still see the scores.
  • Scores will not be visible to mobile usersRES users, and others.
  • This feature will not affect the page’s voting or any other behavior. Like, top scores sorting will still work using hidden scores, and you can collapse low scores comments too.

Is Hiding Scores a Good Thing?

The herding and snowballing effects are mitigated when scores are hidden, which ensures that each comment has an equal opportunity to compete on the basis of its own merits against the other responses and does not suffer any loss of potential as a result.

Users will use their own discretion, rather than being influenced by others, to decide whether or not the comment is worthy of their appreciation.

In a similar vein, it will put a stop to manipulative spamming activities, which are those in which spammers try to exploit users by getting upvotes from social voting groups.

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