How To Spot a Narcissist on Instagram

For tens of millions of people all over the world, Instagram is the social media platform of choice. The kind of photos someone takes and the captions they choose to put on those photos can tell you a lot about the kind of person they are, and this can be seen on their Instagram profile page.

It is possible, for instance, to distinguish between a person who is narcissistic and someone who is proud, reflective, or humble.

There have been studies in colleges and universities over the years on if you can recognize a narcissist by their social media, and the results have given a resounding yes.  As established earlier, what they post and write on their social media consistently will reveal their personality, no matter how much they try to conceal it.  In fact, social media is an enabler of that personality because a narcissist will want you to know what’s going on in their lives, whether you want to or not.  Nothing will excite a narcissist more than the attention they get from other people that allows them on about their lifestyle.  Hence, we’ve summarized how you can spot a narcissist in the following headers.

Who Is a Narcissist?

Narcissism is a personality disorder, and people who are plagued with the disorder, narcissists, believe that they are superior to everyone else and more special than anyone else could possibly be.

Because of this, narcissists behave as if nothing else in the world is important besides themselves and will continue to talk about themselves even when confronted with challenging circumstances.

They have a propensity to take all of the credit for things in which they play a role and have a tendency to become excessively preoccupied with their appearance. They are the kind of people who take a million selfies and post them on social media with captions that focus exclusively on themselves. A narcissist is someone who pays no attention to the wants, thoughts, or problems of other people, and if they do, it is only because they see an opportunity to make the situation about themselves.

A narcissist will meet at least five of these attributes:

  • Obsessed with self-admiration and self-importance.
  • Delusional sense of entitlement.
  • Believes every other person is envious of them.
  • Lacks empathy.
  • They falsely associate themselves with high-class people or places.
  • Very arrogant.
  • Always fantasizes about unlimited success, power, riches, beauty, love, and brilliance.

How To Recognize a Narcissist by Their Instagram Profile Page

Research has been conducted over the years at various colleges and universities to determine whether or not it is possible to identify a narcissist based on their use of social media; the findings have consistently indicated that this is the case.

Whatever they post and write on their social media accounts on a consistent basis will reveal their personality, regardless of how much effort they put into trying to hide it. This was established earlier.

In point of fact, social media is an enabler of this personality type because a narcissist will want you to know what is going on in their lives, regardless of whether or not you want to know about it.

Nothing will get a narcissist more excited than the attention they receive from other people, especially attention that enables them to brag about the lifestyle they lead.

Therefore, in the following headers, we have provided a summary of how you can identify a narcissist.

Narcissists Will Post Excessive Photos About Their Life

Instagram serves not only as a medium through which you can communicate with your friends about significant life events but also as a repository for the photographs you take to preserve those events for all time. And despite the fact that these special moments do not occur every day or even every minute, a narcissist might believe that they do. As a result, you’ll notice that they post an excessive number of photos each minute or hour.

The majority of these pictures are self-portraits, and each one will be affixed to an object or location that screams luxury or something grandiose. [Case in point] And if they are health and fitness fanatics, you will receive updates about even the smallest changes in their bodies, along with information about how simple or challenging it was for them to make those changes in comparison to everyone else.

When they take pictures with a large group of people, it’s possible that they’ll crop other people out of the picture so that the attention is directed solely at themselves.

Captions Focused on Self-Importance and Admiration

The focus of a narcissist will always be on themselves and how important they are in any given situation, and their captions will reflect this.

Narcissists will give you long captions describing how they made an important change regarding something or how much they love their possessions, amongst other things, as opposed to the majority of Instagram accounts, which can caption their post with a word or a short sentence describing what a photo is about. Narcissists will do this to differentiate themselves from other Instagram accounts.

It wouldn’t make any difference if what they were talking about was the result of teamwork; in that caption, they would only be concerned with themselves.

On the other hand, if they post a picture of a group, the caption will most likely not talk about the group but rather about themselves and how the entire event was centred on them.

Attach Themselves to Celebrities and Important Personalities on Instagram

You can recognise a narcissist by the way they attach themselves to public figures and celebrities, even if they do not have any kind of connection with those people.

For instance, they might post a photo or write a story about an event where they “met” a celebrity and describe how they reminisced about the good ol’ days when they both were younger. On the other hand, it’s possible that the “meeting” was actually just a distant sighting of the celebrity, who just so happened to be in the area.

Narcissists will spin a story to fit their needs about any event, regardless of its significance, as long as it involves a public figure. When this occurs, you will see captions advising you to put in a lot of effort in order to reach the level and status that they have achieved, so that you, too, can wine and dine with influential people, just like they supposedly have.

Thinks They’re Entitled to Your Attention and Follow

The objective of a narcissist on Instagram is to attract your attention by portraying an extravagant lifestyle they supposedly lead.

They are most concerned with gaining your approval and, best case scenario, having you become an ardent follower of their way of life. As a consequence of this, you will notice that they ask you to follow them so that they can provide you with more “tips” on how to live a glamorous life or achieve the status that they have achieved.

Some people phrase the request in such a forceful manner that it makes you feel as though you would be a bad person if you did not follow their account.

In the meantime, all they want is additional attention for their already extravagant way of life.

Their inflated sense of self-importance is fed by validation, engagement, and publicity; however, you should never give in to their insulting captions.

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