How to Fix ‘Not Enough Storage Space’ Issue on the iPhone?

This is one of the most annoying issues you could face as an iPhone user. There are times when there is no storage available. However, your iPhone keeps telling you that there is.

Your iCloud photos may be enabled on an apple device. Because of this, the size and storage requirements for iCloud photos may exceed your phone’s storage. If this is not the case, your iPhone or iCloud might have a bug. For help with iPhone storage problems, you can either contact apple customer support or read this article.

What Things Taking Part of Your iPhone Storage

Here are some of the things that consume most of your iPhone’s storage.

1. Operating system iOS

Apple operating system consumes almost 5GB of your iPhone’s storage. This can’t be reduced or optimized.

2. Photos and Videos

iPhone has a high-quality camera that makes full HD photos and videos. That’s why these photos and videos consume a lot of storage.

3. Movies, TVs, and Music

iTunes TV shows and Movies take up a lot of storage. One HD movies take 2 to 4 GB, and TV shoes can take 1 to 2 GB depending on the length. Though mp3 music files don’t consume that much storage, but we usually have a lot of songs, so the space used by the music is also considerable.

4. Attachment and files

Attachments, photos, videos, gifs, and files received through email or WhatsApp also consume a lot of iPhone storage.

5. Apps and games

If you like to play games and use different apps on your iPhone, the amount of storage taken by them will also be considerable.

How to Check The Storage on Your iPhone?

iPhone monitors the storage used by a different application, photos, and videos on your Phone. To check the storage of your iPhone, go to settings Settings > General > iPhone Storage.

How can you recover the storage space from your iPhone?

1. Optimize

Storing all your iPhone data is risky. While backups can help with data loss, not enough storage space is available to store all of them. To increase storage space, you will need to spend more money. This is expensive and may not be as secure as you think.

2. Delete

Make a habit of cleaning out your iPhone’s junk files. If you take multiple photos in order to find one you like, it’s a good idea to delete the ones you don’t like. You can save a lot of space by deleting unnecessary data on a regular basis. Don’t forget to delete any apps you don’t use anymore.

3. Enable Offload Unused Apps

There are those apps that we all keep on our phones for years hoping to one day open again. These apps can also eat up space. These apps can be deleted manually at any time, but iOS can set up to automatically delete them.

This is how you enable Offload Unused apps on your iPhone.

  1. Go to Settings on your iPhone
  2. Tap General
  3. Choose from a variety of iPhone Storage options
  4. Click the Enable button beside Offload Unused Applications

After deleting an app, the app icons will still be displayed on your home screen so that you can easily access them in the future. This option will delete the app, but all your data and documents will be retained.

Check Out:- 10 Solution To Why is My App Store Not Working

4. Turn Off iCloud Photo Library

Using the iCloud Photo Library, you can view and access your photos on any iOS device. iCloud can’t detect duplicates and stores copies of multiple images taken from different devices. This results in a clogged iPhone.

Go to Settings, Photos & Camera and turn off your iCloud Photo Library. Slide the bar down until you see the iCloud Photo Library.

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